Launch of the AFRAMED network

The AFRAMED International Research Network (IRN) was officially inaugurated on 31 August 2022 in Nancy, France. The objective of the AFRAMED network, led by Claude Lecomte, emeritus professor at the Laboratory of Crystallography, Magnetic Resonance and Modelling (CRM2 – CNRS/University of Lorraine), is to connect a diffractometer from a French […]

The history of the ECA logo

By Dritan Siliqi, Institute of Crystallography, CNR, Bari, Italy. The European Crystallographic Association, formally established at the meeting of Lisbon in 1997, elected its first president of the Association, prof Carmelo Giacovazzo (ECA president 1997 – 2000). He was also the Director of the Institute of Crystallography, CNR in Bari, […]

Tenth Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Dr. Ellen Fogh

The Tenth Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize (labelled ‘2021’) of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded to Dr Ellen Fogh from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. The prize commitee  awards the Bertaut Prize to Ellen Fogh for her excellent achievements […]

Twelfth ECA Max Perutz Prize to Professor William Clegg

The twelfth  Max Perutz Prize of the European Crystallographic Association  (ECA) is awarded to Emeritus Professor William Clegg from the School of  Natural and Environmental Sciences at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. William (Bill) Clegg has made a tremendous impact in crystallographic science and education during a career spanning nearly five decades starting […]

Second Alajos Kálmán Prize for Éric Collet

The Alajos Kálmán Prize preserves the memory of the late Alajos Kálmán, an eminent scientist in the field of chemical crystallography. The Prize is established by the Hungarian Chemical Society and is endorsed by European Crystallographic Association (ECA). This year the prize goes to Professor Éric Collet from the Institute […]

Eric Collet

Eleventh Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Dr. Lukáš Gajdos

The Eleventh Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded to Dr Lukáš Gajdos from the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France. The prize is awarded to Lukáš Gajdos in recognition of his exceptional research on  the characterisation of […]

Gold and Silver: Treasures of European Crystallography

The year 2022 brings challenges of political and economic instability, an ongoing virus pandemic, and military confrontation on European soil; despite this gloomy context, the European Crystallographic Association has good reason to celebrate.  As ECA, we are looking back on 50 years of European Crystallographic Meetings and at the formal […]

ECA statement on Ukraine

The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) is joining a large and growing number of European and international research organizations in condemning the acts of aggression by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the military invasion of its independent neighbor, Ukraine, a national member of ECA. Our thoughts are with […]

9th International Charge Density Meeting

The 9th International Charge Density Meeting will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, during the days 12-16th of June 2022. The study of charge densities is a central part of quantum crystallography, and the focus of this conference is to find interfaces and applications for quantum crystallography in hot fields such […]

Halfway between IUCr25 and ECM33

The Prague 2021 IUCr congress is now six months behind us and we are heading straight to the 33rd European Crystallographic Meeting in Versailles. It is therefore time to give you an update of all activities that may interest the European crystallographic community in its broadest sense. During its meeting […]

Registration for ECS7 is now open!

Registration for the 7th European Crystallographic School is now open! The school will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University from 10 to 15 July 2022. The program of the 2022 school will  focus on the X-ray crystallography of powders, small molecules and proteins, covering […]

Two Bertaut prizes this year!

The European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) and the European Crystallographic Association  award this year two Bertaut prizes. Usually ENSA and ECA organize the Bertaut award sessions in regular alternating sequence during an ENSA or ECA congress, but due to the pandemic this could not be realized.  For this reason ENSA […]

Inauguration of the African Crystallographic Association

On Wednesday 17th November 2021 a special session was held during the online Pan-African Conference on Crystallography (ePCCr). This session, jointly organised with the African Light Source and the African Physical Society, was held to officially constitute the African Crystallographic Association and to hold its inaugural Council Meeting. The session, […]