National congress AFC
The next national congress (“colloque”) of the French Crystallographic Association will take place in Grenoble in July 2020.
The next national congress (“colloque”) of the French Crystallographic Association will take place in Grenoble in July 2020.
Following the commitment of the ECA to support the empowerment of crystallography in Africa, three travel grants have been assigned to three emerging young researchers who will take part to the 2nd Pan African Crystallographic Conference – PCCr2 – which will take place in Accra (Ghana) from January 28th to February 3rd […]
Hans Beat Bürgi and Tony Linden report on the Zürich School of Crystallography 2018, that was not held in Zürich, but in Tianjin, China. The report can be found here.
A new Museum showing the beauty of crystallography has been inaugurated at the University of Parma. The exhibition covers different aspects of crystallography and it is particularly focused on the connection between crystals and daily life, medicine, nutrition, advanced materials, with the aim to highlight the importance of structure in […]
The ECA President Alessia Bacchi and Past-President Andrè Roodt were invited to attend the 1st Russian Crystallographic Conference (, taking place in Moscow from the 21 to the 26th of November and chaired by the Director of the Kurchatov Institute, Prof. Mikhail Kovalchuk. The Conference was organized by the Russian […]
The 2016 ECA leaflet can be downloaded by clicking the cover to the right. You can also get a printed copy from the ECA booth at ECM30. See you in Basel!
The 15th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC15) will be held in Bari, a coastal town in southern Italy, from 12 to 15 June 2016. Event info…
The ECA website has been redesigned to have a new look and functionality. Most of the contents of the previous site have been incorporated; if you find any missing or wrong information, please contact the ECA webmaster. The old site is still accessible at Please notice that your login/password […]
2014 has been declared the International Year of Crystallography by the General Assembly of the United Nations. As the UN resolution itself recognises, crystallography is the science that has enabled the material understanding of our world and that is crucial to facing the challenges that humanity’s development inevitably entails. However, […]
Announcing the winner of the Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association and European Neutron Scattering Association (ECA-ENSA) The Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded to Dr Giorgio Schiro from the Institut […]
With the yearly PANalytical Award the company seeks to encourage and provide support for excellent young scientists who are at the beginning of their careers. The award recognizes and praises groundbreaking research that required the use of a laboratory X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence or X-ray scattering instrument as the primary […]
The IUCr has been awarded a grant for the project “Building Science Capacity in Africa via Crystallography” under the ICSU Grants Programme 2015. The proposal was prepared as a follow-up to the IYCr Pan African Summit meeting (Bloemfontein, October 2014) and submitted by the IUCr (as an ICSU member) on […]
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