
European Crystallography Video Contest

The European Crystallography Video Contest is open to all schoolchildren from European countries. Its goal is to introduce young students to the exciting and challenging world of Crystal Growing and Crystallography.   This contest is organized by GIG-03 (Education in Crystallography General Interest Group) from the European Crystallographic Association (ECA), […]

58th course of the International School of Crystallography “Structural Drug Design 2023: Biology, Chemistry and Computers”

The deadline for the application to the 58th course of the International School of Crystallography “Structural Drug Design 2023: Biology, Chemistry and Computers” is Wednesday 30th November. The purpose of the course is to provide the students with: a) an overview of the current structural and biophysical techniques used in […]

ECA supports young participants to Laboratory and synchrotron X-ray crystallography in Senegal

The ECA will provide grants to support the participation of young reserachers to the IUCr-IUPAP-ICTP OpenLab in Senegal next 20 November  – 2 December 2017 (https://www.iycr2014.org/events/openlabs/iucr-iupap-ictp-openlab-senegal). The ECA is strongly committed to encourage the development of a network of active crystallographers in Africa and is particularly aimed to favour young researchers […]