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ECM-26 Poster Prizes

Calidris & Nanomegas Electron Crystallography (SIG 4) Prize Panel: Louisa Meshi, Philip Nakashima, Joke Hedermann FA4-MS24-P02 – Refinement of structural parameters of PbTiO3 by Convergent-Beam electron diffraction. Roland Schierholz, Kenji Tsuda and Harmut Fuess Oxford Cryosystems Low Temperature Prize Panel: Bernard Titant, Alessandra Crispini FA3-MS20-P02 – Prediction of unusual reactivity […]

ECM-25 Poster Prizes

Calidris & Nanomegas Electron Crystallography(SIG 4) Prize Prize: 500 € Sponsor: Calidris and Nanomegas Eligibility: Best poster / lecture student / post doc on electron crystallography, < 35 years with European affiliation Panel: Joke Haderman, Laurie Marks, Holger Klein FA3.MS03.P03 – Application of Automated Diffraction Tomography to Structural Solution of […]

ECM-24 Poster Prizes

UCr poster prize The IUCr Executive Committee is pleased to continue the series of awards to be presented at meetings of the Regional Associates. The prize will be awarded to the best poster from a graduate or undergraduate student, and will consist of complimentary online access to all IUCr journals […]

ECM-23 Poster Prizes

Oxford Cryosystems Poster Prize Roelandt De Borger – Belgium – poster m43.p01 “The conformational landscape of stilbenes: a reassuring observation” IUCr Poster Prize Sonja Hammer – Germany – poster m13.p17 “Simulation of the absorption of acetone on ice at surfaces, bulk ice and small-angle grain boundary” Andreas Lemmerer – South-Africa […]

ECM-22 Poster Prizes

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) Poster Prizes in chemical crystallography Ayesha Jacobs – South-Africa – poster s7.m25.p1 “Isostructurality in Xanthenol Clathrates” Thammarat Aree – Switzerland – poster s13.m35.p1 “Atomic Displacement Parameters of the alpha-Polymorph of p-Dichlorobenzene Measured between 15 and 300 K” Zoran Stefanic -Croatia – poster s13.m42.p19 “Hydrogen bonding […]

Sixth Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Johan Chang

The Sixth Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded toDr. Johan Chang from From École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the quest for understanding cuprate superconductors. His ingeous use of the complementarity of neutron- […]

Fourth Erwin Félix Lewy-Bertaut Prize to Christian Rüegg

The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and The European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA jointly award the Fourth Erwin Félix Lewy-Bertaut Prize to Dr. Christian Rüegg for his outstanding contributions to the science of low-dimensional quantum spin systems and quantum phase transitions, notably for his neutron scattering studies of the spin-½ system […]