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Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 3

Croatian Association of Crystallographers is proud to announce the third edition of its advanced crystallography workshop “Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC”. The meeting aims to attract motivated researchers by in-depth tackling the fascinating developments and achievements of the experimental methods and theoretical approaches expanding over the last decade […]

Art inside your crystals

Since ancient times, crystals have captivated humankind. However, the beauty of crystals is not only found on the outside but also on the inner structure. The arrangement of atoms or the stacking of molecules displays also perfection and harmony that are constantly surprising us. Crystal structures, solved by X-ray diffraction, […]

ECM31, Oviedo (Spain) 2018

The 31st European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM31, will take place in the Palace of Exhibition and Congresses (PEC) in Oviedo, Asturias, from 22-27 August 2018. ECM31 is setting up an attractive programme covering the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences to attract young and senior scientists as well as companies […]

Welcome to the new ECA website

The ECA website has been redesigned to have a new look and functionality. Most of the contents of the previous site have been incorporated; if you find any missing or wrong information, please contact the ECA webmaster. The old site is still accessible at Please notice that your login/password […]

ECM30 in Basel (Switzerland)

Basel will held the 30th European Crystallography Meeting, ECM-30, from 28 August until 1 September 2016. ECM-30 will be a four-day vibrant and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography. In addition, there will be a Young Crystallographers meeting, workshops and user meetings, lunch […]

ECM-29 Poster Prizes

IUCr Poster Prize x3 Panel: Manfred Weiss, Carlo Mealli, Manuel Hinterstein, Artem Abakumov Field: Biological, Chemical and Physical Crystallography Sponsor: IUCr Prize: Complimentary print volume of International Tables for Crystallography Anton Brausemann, Institui fĂźr Biochemie, Alben-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany [MSS-PS Structural insight into the phytoene desaturase of rice] Eleonora Conterosito, Universila […]