Excellent site to start learning Crystallography

The Crystallography group of the IQFR (CSIC, Madrid) has been for many years editing a very good site with lots of well-curated teaching materials on crystallography. These materials are available under a Creative Commons License at http://www.xtal.iqfr.csic.es/Cristalografia/index-en.html

EPDIC15 announced

The 15th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC15) will be held in Bari, a coastal town in southern Italy, from 12 to 15 June 2016. Event info…

Welcome to the new ECA website

The ECA website has been redesigned to have a new look and functionality. Most of the contents of the previous site have been incorporated; if you find any missing or wrong information, please contact the ECA webmaster. The old site is still accessible at http://ecanews.org/old/. Please notice that your login/password […]

3rd European Crystallography School (2016) in Bol (Croatia)

The Third European Crystallography School (ESC3) will take place from Sept 25 – Oct 2, 2016 in the little town of Bol at the Island of Brač in Croatia. Brač is located in the most beautiful part of central Dalmatia where scenic views are exchanging between magnificent mountains, crystal clear […]

ECM30 in Basel (Switzerland)

Basel will held the 30th European Crystallography Meeting, ECM-30, from 28 August until 1 September 2016. ECM-30 will be a four-day vibrant and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography. In addition, there will be a Young Crystallographers meeting, workshops and user meetings, lunch […]

India will host the 2017 Congress & General Assembly of the IUCr

India will host the XXIV Congress & General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography 2017 from 21st to 28th August 2017. We extend a warm welcome to all crystallographers from across the world! A cutting edge program with plenaries, keynotes, microsymposia and posters, commercial exhibits, satellite meetings, workshops and […]

ECM-29 Poster Prizes

IUCr Poster Prize x3 Panel: Manfred Weiss, Carlo Mealli, Manuel Hinterstein, Artem Abakumov Field: Biological, Chemical and Physical Crystallography Sponsor: IUCr Prize: Complimentary print volume of International Tables for Crystallography Anton Brausemann, Institui für Biochemie, Alben-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany [MSS-PS Structural insight into the phytoene desaturase of rice] Eleonora Conterosito, Universila […]

ECM29 Opening ceremony

ECM29 in Rovinj, has been a big success Congratulations to the organizers and the crystallographic community! Here you can watch the Opening ceremony. The Opening Ceremony of the 29th European Crystallographic Meeting in Rovinj, Croatia, 23 August 2015. Includes the Award of the 8th Max Perutz Prize to Professor John […]

CRISTALES, a world to discover

2014 has been declared the International Year of Crystallography by the General Assembly of the United Nations. As the UN resolution itself recognises, crystallography is the science that has enabled the material understanding of our world and that is crucial to facing the challenges that humanity’s development inevitably entails. However, […]

Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Giorgio Schiro

Announcing the winner of the Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association and European Neutron Scattering Association (ECA-ENSA) The Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded to Dr Giorgio Schiro from the Institut […]

Eighth ECA Max Perutz Prize to Professor John Helliwell

John Helliwell led the development of the world’s first dedicated protein crystallography beamlines; he pioneered the collection of the first broad-band Laue diffraction patterns for protein and virus crystals using synchrotron radiation; he combined biochemistry, spectroscopy, microscopy, protein crystallography and small-angle scattering to study the crustacyanins. He contributed to some […]

PANalytical Award 2015

With the yearly PANalytical Award the company seeks to encourage and provide support for excellent young scientists who are at the beginning of their careers. The award recognizes and praises groundbreaking research that required the use of a laboratory X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence or X-ray scattering instrument as the primary […]