ECA at the inauguration of new diffractometers at LCMP of Felix Houphouet Boigny University

The ECA president Alessia Bacchi and past president Andrè Roodt contributed to the ceremony of inauguration of diffractometers donated by Bruker at the Laboratory of Crystallography and Molecular Physics Felix Houphouet Boigny University (Ivory Coast). The inauguration was followed by a IUCr-UNESCO-Bruker OpenLab. ECA contributed to sponsor the participation of young […]

ECS5 – European Crystallographic School in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Student and young researchers are invited to attend the 5th European Crystallographic School which will be held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, 8-14 July 2018 under the auspices of the European Crystallographic Association, International Union of Crystallography and the South African Crystallographic Society. The aim of the school is to give […]

Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 3

Croatian Association of Crystallographers is proud to announce the third edition of its advanced crystallography workshop “Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC”. The meeting aims to attract motivated researchers by in-depth tackling the fascinating developments and achievements of the experimental methods and theoretical approaches expanding over the last decade […]

Call for Nominations for the ECA/ENSA Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize 2018

The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) invite nominations for the Erwin Felix Levy Bertaut Prize 2018. The Prize is awarded in memory of the scientific achievements of the late Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut, which are cornerstones in both crystallography and neutron scattering. The Bertaut […]

ECA supports young participants to Laboratory and synchrotron X-ray crystallography in Senegal

The ECA will provide grants to support the participation of young reserachers to the IUCr-IUPAP-ICTP OpenLab in Senegal next 20 November  – 2 December 2017 ( The ECA is strongly committed to encourage the development of a network of active crystallographers in Africa and is particularly aimed to favour young researchers […]

Davide Viterbo (1939-2017)

With great sadness we report that Professor Davide Viterbo passed away on 20 May 2017. Davide was well known to crystallographers around the world for his commitment not only to science, but also to serving the community with kindness, enthusiasm, and fine cultural insight. Davide has been President of the […]

ECA signs an Open Letter on recent developments in science in the US

ECA is among the large number of major European organisations in the area of science, research, innovation and higher education which have written an Open Letter to European Prime Ministers, ministers responsible for those same areas, as well as the President of the European Council and of the European Commission, […]

Bursaries for ECS4 available for young researchers

The German Crystallographic Association (DGK) and the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) announced the offer of travel grants for graduate or postgraduate students, from Germany and Italy respectively, planning to participate at the 4th European Crystallography School (ECS 4), Warsaw, Poland, 2–7 July 2017. This very welcomed initiative is important to […]

ECA at the 1st Russian Crystallographic Conference

The ECA President Alessia Bacchi and Past-President Andrè Roodt were invited to attend the 1st Russian Crystallographic Conference (, taking place in Moscow from the 21 to the 26th of November and chaired by the Director of the Kurchatov Institute, Prof. Mikhail Kovalchuk. The Conference was organized by the Russian […]

ECM31, Oviedo (Spain) 2018

The 31st European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM31, will take place in the Palace of Exhibition and Congresses (PEC) in Oviedo, Asturias, from 22-27 August 2018. ECM31 is setting up an attractive programme covering the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences to attract young and senior scientists as well as companies […]

4th European Crystallographic School in Warsaw

The ECS4 (2 – 7 July 2017) is dedicated to chemists and young crystallographers who would like to master their knowledge of modern X-ray crystallography and/or to improve their experimental capabilities by learning the state-of-the-art methodologies and range of possible applications of crystallography in solving chemical problems in materials science, […]

ECA at PCCr1 in Dschang, Cameroun

‘Ex Africa semper aliquid novi’ we could say quoting Pliny the Elder, after the success of PCCr1, the 1st Pan Africa Crystallographic Conference which took place in Dschang, Cameroun between 5th and 11th October 2016. The conference counted more than 200 participants from all over the world, mainly from several […]

ECA 2016

The 2016 ECA leaflet can be downloaded by clicking the cover to the right. You can also get a printed copy from the ECA booth at ECM30. See you in Basel!