
The Inaugural Kenyan Schools Crystallization Contest

The first Kenyan Schools Crystallography Competition, held on 25 January 2025, was an important step in introducing young students to crystallography and scientific research in general. Organised by a joint team from Spain and Kenya, and based on similar successful competitions held in Europe, this initiative aimed to stimulate scientific […]

European Crystallography Video Contest

The European Crystallography Video Contest is open to all schoolchildren from European countries. Its goal is to introduce young students to the exciting and challenging world of Crystal Growing and Crystallography.   This contest is organized by GIG-03 (Education in Crystallography General Interest Group) from the European Crystallographic Association (ECA), […]

ECA supports young participants to Laboratory and synchrotron X-ray crystallography in Senegal

The ECA will provide grants to support the participation of young reserachers to the IUCr-IUPAP-ICTP OpenLab in Senegal next 20 November  – 2 December 2017 (https://www.iycr2014.org/events/openlabs/iucr-iupap-ictp-openlab-senegal). The ECA is strongly committed to encourage the development of a network of active crystallographers in Africa and is particularly aimed to favour young researchers […]

Art inside your crystals

Since ancient times, crystals have captivated humankind. However, the beauty of crystals is not only found on the outside but also on the inner structure. The arrangement of atoms or the stacking of molecules displays also perfection and harmony that are constantly surprising us. Crystal structures, solved by X-ray diffraction, […]


Crystals – known to everybody as gems, snow crystals, or salt grains – are widespread in the nature around us. The investigation of their structure and properties means looking inside the intimate of atom geometries – a look contributing to the scientific development of chemistry, solid state physics, Earth sciences, […]

Crystallization Competition in the School

The Crystallization Competition in the School is an innovative contest on Crystallography and Crystallization for young students aged 12-16. It is organised in Spain and coordinated by the Spanish Specialized Group of Crystallography and Crystal Growth (GE3C). During the 2013/2014 school year the Competition is organised in 7 geographical areas […]