Call for nominations for the ECA Perutz Prize 2016

The European Crystallographic Association is pleased to announce the Ninth Max Perutz Prize.

The Prize will be awarded in recognition of meritorious achievements in any branch of crystallography to an individual scientist clearly affiliated with the ECA.

Nominators may be ECA Individual Members, or any person from a national member of ECA, or any Corporate Affiliated Member. The nominator must ensure a signed acceptance of the nomination by the nominee.

The nominator must indicate briefly why the candidate is nominated and may include matters such as publication record and impact of their research in the scientific community. However, the uniqueness of their pioneering contributions and the usefulness of the nominee’s work will be of prime consideration to the selection committee.

The nominee shall not hold a current position on the ECA Executive Committee or be member of the current Max Perutz Prize Committee and must be a listed member of the World Directory of Crystallography. The winner receives the award at the official opening of the following ECM and presents a lecture at this occasion.

More information can be found at

Nominations are now open and will close on March 11th 2016.

Nominations must be sent to the ECA VicePresident at the address: gro.s1739684779wenac1739684779e@tne1739684779diser1739684779p.eci1739684779v1739684779

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