First awardees of the call of the WiC fundraising project

It is with great pleasure that we announce the names of the first awardees of the call of the Women in Crystallography fundraising project. Four young female crystallographers will benefit of this fund to attend different crystallographic events: Lamis Elaa Eldin Refat, from Ireland, who will attend the 15th International Workshop on Crystal Growth of Organic Materials in Thailand; Anara Omarova, from Kazakhstan, attending the ECS9, in France; Almudena Inchausti Valles, from Spain, who will take part in the 2nd High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Summer School in UK and Laura Pacoste, who will join the ECM34, in Italy.
We wish the four awardees a very interesting and fruitful time attending the events and we are waiting for the new donations for the next round of grants!

The GIG03 Board