Report 2007-2008
1. Introduction.
The Chair and vice chair of the SIG were renewed at the meeting during European Crystallography Association took place in Marrakech, during ECM 24. This is the first Report for last eight months.
2. Past Activities.
Title: Special session at AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, December 2007) “Frontiers in the chemistry and physics of the Earth’s mantle”
Number of Participants: about 60
Sponsors/Organizers: Organized together with AGU and ESF EuroMinSci. Organizer from SIG was presented by L. Dubrovinsky
Short Description: In ten oral and twelve poster presentations contributors focused on new results pertaining to the high-pressure chemistry, the measurement of the physical properties of mantle materials, phase transitions at extreme conditions, and chemical reactions and phase equilibria in deep Earth interior.
Title: Special session at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008 (Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008) “Chemistry of Earth Mantle and Core: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches”
Number of Participants: about 50
Sponsors/Organizers: Organized together with EGU and ESF EuroMinSci. Organizer from SIG was presented by L. Dubrovinsky
Short Description: In 16 oral and 10 poster presentations authors addressed novel experimental and theoretical techniques in studies of chemical reactions at elevated pressures and temperatures and presented new data on effect of magnetic and electronic (including high-to-low spin) transitions on crystal structures. At least half of the talkswere dedicated to investing crystal structures at high pressure.
Title: Short course “Diamond Anvil Cell Technique” (February 2008, Bayreuth, Germany)
Number of Participants: about 50
Sponsors/Organizers: Organized together with German Mineralogical Society and German Crystallographic Society. Organizer from SIG was presented by L. Dubrovinsky
Short Description: Twenty one PhD students and post-docs from six European countries learned practical basics of diamond anvil techniques.
3. Future/Programmed Activities.
Title: Fifth International Alloy Conference (IAC-5), Cliff-Hotel Ruegen, Siedlung am Wald 22a, Germany, September 11 to 14, 2008
Sponsors/Organizers:Organized together with Psi-k and EuroMinSci. Organizers from SIG are L. Dubrovinsky and I. Abrikosov.
Short Description: The International Alloy Conferences promote commonality in the study, experimental or theoretical, of materials properties across the spectrum of materials types and conditions.
Title: 46th European High Pressure Research Group Conference, Valencia, Spain,from 7th until 12th September 2008.
Sponsors/Organizers: Organized by the Univ. of Valencia and Univ of La Laguna (Spain). A. San Miguel and other SIG members are part of Scientific Advisory Commity.
Short Description: The 46th EHPRG intends to be a large scope conference, in line with the rapid increase of high pressure activities in all areas of Physics, Chemistry, Food Science, Geosciences, Material Research and Biosciences.
A special session in memory of I. Goncharenko, active SIG delegate and that passed prematurely away in 2007 is organized.
4. Other matters.
One of the major task of SIG 11 at the moment is creating the special WEB-site and formation of the active scientific community.
5. Five year ‘overview’, brief activity report (2004-2008)
Over the perion 2004-2008, The SIG organized microsymposia entitled “Crystallography at extreme conditions: state of the art” at the ECM meetings in Budapest (ECM 22, 2004), Leuven (ECM 23, 2006) and Marrakech (ECM 24, 2007). At each meeting, one or two plenary lectures were also given on the subject. In addition, in Budapest, a second joint microsymposium entitled “Crystallography of planetary interiors” was organized in collaboration with SIG5. The members of the SIG also participated in an important way in the XX IUCr conference in Florence (2005) and in a series of high pressure research conferences: XLII EHPRG (Lausanne, 2004), XX AIRAPT – XLIII EHPRG (Karlsruhe, 2005), XLIV EHPRG (Prague, 2006), XXI AIRAPT – XLV EHPRG (Catania, 2007).
6. Estimated number of active members:
Based on the number of the scientists actively participating in the meetings, conferences and workshops organized by SIG11, we could estimate number of active member as about 70 people.
7. List SIG officers, name and e-mail, and specify their main function in the SIG:
Dr. Leonid Dubrovinsky
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
University Bayreuth
D-95440 Bayreuth
Tel. +49-921-553736
Fax +49-921-553769
E-mail: ed.ht1737908699uerya1737908699B-inU1737908699@yksn1737908699ivorb1737908699uD.di1737908699noeL1737908699
Professor Alfonso San-Miguel
Laboratoire de Physique de la Mati„yre Condens„ze et Nanostructures
University Lyon 1 and CNRS
43 Bvd du 11 Novembre 1918
F-69622 Villeurbanne, Cedex
T„zl. (+33) (0)4 72 44 80 57
FAX (+33) (0)4 72 43 29 25
E-mail : rf.1n1737908699oyl-v1737908699inu.n1737908699cmpl@1737908699eugim1737908699nas1737908699
Dr. Julien Haines
Institut Charles Gerhardt
Equipe PMOF
University Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc
Place E. Bataillon cc 003
34095 MONTPELLIER cedex 5
T„zl : 33-(0)4-
Fax: 33-(0)4-
email: rf.2p1737908699tnom-1737908699vinu.1737908699cmpl@1737908699senia1737908699hj1737908699
Report 2006-2007
1. Introduction.
SIG 11 – Crystallography at Extreme Conditions aim is to gather scientists studying the structural properties of matter submitted to extreme conditions, i.e. high pressure, high temperature, high magnetic fields, … separately or together. The foundation of the SIG has been proposed at the ECM 19, in Nancy, and decided at ECM 20 in Krakow. Since ECM 19 included, one or two microsymposia are organized at each meeting.
2. Past Activities.
Title: Crystallography at extreme conditions: state of the art
Number of Participants: ~ 50
Sponsors/Organizers: Alain Polian and Leonid Dubrovinsky
Short Description: Microsymposium at ECM 23 in Leuven.
Title: Incommensurate high pressure and high temperature group VI elements, by C. Hejny
Short Description: Plenary lecture at ECM 23 in Leuven.
3. Future/Programmed Activities.
Title: Crystallography at extreme conditions: state of the art
Sponsors/Organizers: Alain Polian and KarlSyassen
Short Description: Microsymposium at ECM 24 in Marrakech
High pressure phase transitions: a local point of view
Jean Paul Itié
Plenary lecture at ECM 24 in Marrakech
4. Other matters.
Report 2005-2006
The main activity in 2005 was naturally devoted to our participation in the XX. IUCr congress at Florence. Although having no official role in the IUCr, members of our SIG took part in the organization of microsymposia, in collaboration with the High Pressure commission of the IUCr.
Malcolm McMahon presented a keynote lecture on the structural properties of “simple” metals under high pressure, in which contrary to the standard expectations, high pressure induces complexity.
Our community participated strongly in five microsymposia: MS 40: “Computational Crystallography Applied to Extreme Conditions”; MS 47 “Novel Materials under High Pressure”; MS 54 “Crystallography at Conditions of Earth and Planetary Interiors”, MS 61 “Structures, Phase Transitions and Properties at High Pressure; and MS 68 ” Liquids and Amorphous Systems at High Pressure”.
ECM 23
Our SIG was also involved in the organisation of the ECM23 conference in Leuven (Belgium). A plenary lecture will be given by C. Hejny on incommensurate high pressure and high temperature group VI elements and a microsymposium will be dedicated to the structure determination of modulated and aperiodic crystals. A microsymposium on 3eCrystallography under extreme Conditions: State of the Art” is organized.
Report 2003-2004
SIG #11: Crystallography at Extreme Conditions
The main activity of SIG 11 was devoted to the organisation of micro symposia during the ECM meetings.
In 2004 SIG #11 was involved in the ECM-22 meeting, Budapest, August 26-31. One micro-symposium is organised on gCrystallography at Extreme Conditions: state of the Arth chaired by A. Polian and M.I. McMahon. Moreover, one common session is organised in common with SIG #5 “Crystallography of planetary interiors” chaired by A.R. Oganov and L. Dubrovinsky. Two plenary lectures will be given, by M.I. McMahon gNovel structures in “simple” metalsh, and by S. Klotz gNeutron scattering at high pressureh.
Several members of the SIG had a strong participation to the XLII European High Pressure Research Group Meeting, Lausanne, September 2004, and to the 20th AIRAPT – XLIII EHPRG meeting on Science and Technology of High Pressure, held in Karlsruhe, June 26 – July 1rst, 2005.
A microsymposium will be organized at the next ECA meeting in Leuven, and a plenary session given.
Report 2003-2004
Since its approval, the main activity of SIG 11 was devoted to the organisation of micro symposia during the ECM meetings, with the exception of the ECM-21 Durban, 25-28 August 2003. Nevertheless, in 2003, many members of the SIG did participate to the XIX AIRAPT – XLI EHPRG meeting, Bordeaux, July 2003.
In 2004 SIG #11 is involved in the ECM-22 meeting, Budapest, August 26-31. One micro-symposium is organised on “Crystallography at Extreme Conditions: state of the Art” chaired by A. Polian and M.I. McMahon. Moreover, one common session is organised in common with SIG #5 “Crystallography of planetary interiors” chaired by A.R. Organov and L. Dubrovinsky. Two plenary lectures will be given, by M.I. McMahon “Novel structures in ‘simple’ metals”, and by S. Klotz “Neutron scattering at high pressure”.
Moreover, several members of the SIG will participate to the XLII European High Pressure Research Group Meeting, Lausanne, September 2004.