GIG-01 Young Crystallographers

Crystallography Photo Competition

Thanks to all participants of the photo competition, the following is a collection of the received pictures:

A-classer-9831 Bekkering_Adams_011 BODIPYs-bleu-et-rouge-Elodie-H.1 DSC03630e DSC03632_b DSC03705 DSC03807_b DSC03834 DSC03943 DSC04016a DSC04081 DSC04127 DSC04189_a DSC021701 DSC028971 DSC028991 IMG_0287 IMG_0552 IMG_01655 IMG_03801 IMG_25872 IMG_20140603_1129501 ShuA5-C21 Veine-N170-65W-Cristaux-maclés-0021

If you find interest in using any of the above pictures, please send us a request by email.