The ECA Scholarship Fund
The ECA is aware of the general economic climate and that this might be presenting hardship to crystallographic colleagues at all stages of their careers causing difficulty to attend an ECM. Thus we launch this call for donations from those that can help other colleagues to attend the ECMs by contributing to their costs.
Please contact the ECA Treasurer (gro.s1739928291wenac1739928291e@rer1739928291usaer1739928291t1739928291 ) to submit your donations or go directly to the donate button below; typical donations might be approximately 100 Euros.
Applications for support from this Fund will be considered once per year, deadline 31st March of that year of the ECM. A one page statement of need and a 1 page summary cv should be sent to the ECA Secretary (gro.s1739928291wenac1739928291e@yra1739928291terce1739928291s1739928291 ).
- Awards will not be for more than 50% of the estimated total costs of economy travel, economy accommodation and ECM registration fee. Receipts for expenses will be required.
- Not more than one award will be made to a person in a ten year period.
- Persons under the age of 35 years are to apply to the ECM Bursary Fund, not this Scholarship Fund.
- For any one ECM there should not be more than one application per Laboratory.
- An ECA Scholarship Fund awardee must have been an ECA Individual Member for at least 3 years at the date of the ECM for which the scholarship is requested, and be registered in the IUCr World Directory of Crystallographers at the date of application.
- A Sub-Committee of the ECA Executive Committee will decide the selection of the Awardees.
- Reimbursement payments will be made to the awardees by the ECA Treasurer at the ECM i.e. upon attendance of the awardee at the relevant ECM. Exceptions to this can be considered on appeal to the ECA Secretary i.e. to request an advance payment.
Guidelines for financial support
The ECA sponsors European symposia, schools, workshops and conferences on topics relevant to crystallography.
The following rules, accepted by vote by the ECA Council in Darmstadt (August 2011), apply:
- At least 5000 € to be distributed each year.
- Grants in the range of 500-2000 €.
- Application from the organisers must be received before 1st February or 1st August annually for events planned for the following year and at least 6 months before the event. Applications should be supported by a letter from at least one SIG chair or if no relevant SIG exists by the chair of an IUCr Commission.
- Dates of conference must be outside of a blackout period of ± 1 month around the ECM’s and IUCr Congresses.
- There should be an official bank account or sub-account opened for the conference or its organising institution, to which the support will be transferred.
- The ECA funds should be used to support young scientists (under 35) from the ECA “region”, with priority to less developed countries.
- Individual Membership of the ECA is a condition of the award for a student bursary from the ECA at schools or workshops. At conferences/workshops an application for financial support should only be considered if the applicant is also registered in the IUCr World Directory of Crystallographers.
- There should be a reasonable geographical distribution of the fellowships. In particular, the organising country should not dominate the list of awards. National meetings should use the grant to attract young participants from other countries. The gender balance should also be taken into consideration.
- An applicant should be presenting author of an accepted abstract (applies to conferences, symposia and other meetings, whose main purpose is the presentation of scientific results).
- The ECA support should be acknowledged in the conference materials, web pages, and announcements. Where possible, the ECA logo should accompany the acknowledgment. Participants should be aware of being recipient of an ECA bursary.
- Within 3 months after the meeting, the organisers should provide for the Executive Committee a short report indicating how the ECA support was used to help young participants (including a list of their names and email addresses) and for inclusion in ECA News a brief statement summarizing the event (including a short scientific report written by the bursary holders). Download Form
Requests for financial support for meetings should be addressed to Prof. Carl-Henrik Gørbitz using the application form downloadable from the links below. Deadlines: 1st February and 1st August annually for events planned for the following year and at least 6 months before the event.