Post your news to the ECA website

We want to hear from you. ECA is now accepting news post from members of the association. Use this form to send us information you’d like to have published in the site.

All posts are reviewed by the Executive Committee, that can accept or reject any post, as well as edit the contents or decide in which section of the site the information is shown.

Thank you for your help in keeping the ECA site active and updated!

  • Please use this form only to submit news posts
  • The information submitted will be reviewed (and may be edited) by the ECA webmaster before publication.
  • All fields are mandatory except the image file upload (but uploading a nice image is recommended for post visibility.)
  • Misuse of this form can imply the sender to be banned from the site.
  • The uploaded graphics will be used to illustrate the announcement. Please use good quality, small size (100 Kb maximum) files in png, jpg or gif format.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)



    Title of post

    From (date in YYYY-MM-DD format, required)

    To (date in YYYY-MM-DD format, required)


    Announcement text

    Additional Information (optional)

    Announcement Graphics (GIF, PNG or JPG, 100Kb maximum)

    Tags (comma separated list)

    Submit Announcement

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