Suman joined the group SIG-13 Molecular Structure and Chemical Properties 3 months, 2 weeks ago
SIG07 Coordinator posted a notice in the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition: “SIG-07 at ECM34 and ECM35” 5 months ago
Dear SIG-07 member,
As we head towards the ECM34 in Padua, we would like to raise some important points:
1. You are all warmly invited to attend the SIG-07 meeting on Thursday 29 August at 16:00 during the coffee break. The venue has been tentatively indicated as Mantegna 1, but please check this prior to arrival.
2. One of the aspects that…[
pilargarcia joined the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition 7 months, 3 weeks ago
malenov joined the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition 8 months, 1 week ago
annapietrzak joined the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition 1 year ago
annapietrzak joined the group SIG-13 Molecular Structure and Chemical Properties 1 year ago
lahoz posted an update in the group SIG-13 Molecular Structure and Chemical Properties 2 years, 2 months ago
Do we already have a SIG13 representative for ECM34? It will be great if we know he/she is already working?
Gertenbach joined the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition 2 years, 3 months ago
SIG13 Coordinator posted a notice in the group SIG-13 Molecular Structure and Chemical Properties: “SIG13 annual meeting at ECM33” 2 years, 4 months ago
Dear SIG13 members,
You are kindly invited to participate at the next SIG13 in-person meeting what will be held in Versailles during ECM33.
The meeting has been scheduled for Friday 26th August, from 12:30 to 13:30 in Music Room 1. (https://www.ecm33.fr/ecasiggigmeetings)Please, let us know if there are any requests/ suggestions to be…[Read more]
Clara Gomes joined the group SIG-07 Molecular Interaction and Recognition 2 years, 4 months ago
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