Join ECA

Thank you for deciding to become an ECA member. From this page you can start the registration procedure that will follow these steps:

  1. First, decide which membership option you want to choose (1 or 5 years renewal periods)
  2. When you click the selected button, you will be redirected to the payments gateway, where you can choose the payment method and details.
  3. Once the Payment is confirmed, the appropriate membership account will be created for you and you will receive an email that contains a “special” link to complete the registration.
  4. Once you click on that special link in the email it will bring you to the registration page and let you choose a “user name” and “password” for your account.
  5. Of course, if anything go wrong during this procedure you can contact the ECA treasurer (gro.s1740707609wenac1740707609e@rer1740707609usaer1740707609t1740707609) to check the status of the registration procedure.

Please consult the ECA Privacy Policy to find out how we will manage your data.

Become a member for 1 year (25 euro):

Become a member for 5 years (100 euro):

Reduced student/retired membership fee for 1 year (10 euro):