Registrations are open for the AIC International Crystallography School 2019, entitled "Crystallographic Information Fiesta", which will be held in Naples, Italy, on 29 August to 3 September as a satellite event of MISCA 2019 (Meeting of the Italian and Spanish Crystallographic Associations). The School is organized by the Commission on Crystallographic Teaching of the […]
The Commission on Aperiodic Crystals of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) organises the 4th edition of the school "International school on aperiodic Crystals" (ISAC4). This school will take place in Portbail (Normandy) from September 8 to 14 2019. The targeted audience is clearly a non-specialist one: Phd students, young or experienced scientists working in […]
HTCC4 workshop will entirely be dedicated to structural biology. Over four intense working days, we shall cover techniques which go beyond classical crystallography, yet which complement it so smoothly: XFEL – X-ray free electron laser (HT1), cryo electron microscopy (HT2), NMR in macromolecular structural research (HT3) and biomolecular in-silico simulations (HT4). The principal HTCC target […]