Thirtheenth Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize to Dr. Daniel Mazzone

The laureate of the thirtheenth Erwin Félix Lewy Bertaut Prize is Dr. Daniel Mazzone from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland. The prize is awarded to Daniel Mazzone for his outstanding contributions in the field of quantum effects in strongly correlated electron materials, employing cutting-edge X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. His pioneering research has yielded profound new scientific insights into heavy fermion materials and correlated transition-metal oxides. Notably, Mazzone’s investigations have faced large environmental challenges, including the precise measurement of small magnetic moments at extreme low temperatures and high magnetic fields, as well as conducting neutron scattering experiments under uniaxial pressure with very low sample masses. Mazzone has also played a pivotal role in the commissioning of various large-scale neutron and X-ray spectrometers, employing innovative technical approaches and sophisticated data reduction and analysis software.