The ECA and IUCr delegates with Prof. Mikhail Kovalchuk and some of the organizers of the Conference.
The ECA President Alessia Bacchi and Past-President Andrè Roodt were invited to attend the 1st Russian Crystallographic Conference (http://www.crys.ras.ru/rcc), taking place in Moscow from the 21 to the 26th of November and chaired by the Director of the Kurchatov Institute, Prof. Mikhail Kovalchuk. The Conference was organized by the Russian National Committee for Crystallography, the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, and the FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” of the Russian Academy of Science. More than 2000 participants were registered at the Conference, among which more than 800 were under 35 years of age; the enthusiasm of this vibrant young community from one of the National Members founders of the ECA is an excellent sign for the future of the Association. Mike Glazer and Hanna Dabkowska were also invited at the Conference, in representation of the Executive Committee of the IUCr. The conference symposia included Modern Crystallography, Techniques and Equipment for Structural Research, Crystallography in Biology and Medicine, Crystallography and Cognitive Research, Crystallographic Methods in the Humanities, Modern Crystallographic Training. A Round Table on the current and future state of mega science in Russia took also place during the conference.