
  • gig03coordinator posted an update 2 years, 6 months ago

    Hello to everyone! I’d like to remember to all the members of GIG3 that the annual meeting will be held during the ECM in Versailles, on the 27th August from 12.30 to 13.30 in the Condé+Pascal room.
    The meeting agenda is the following:
    1) Brief overview of the last two years: activities during the pandemic, discussion with members of GIG3
    2) MS at ECM33
    3) Proposal for ECM34 – Padova (IT) – 20-24 August 2024, representative of the Group in the Program Committee.
    4) “Women in Crystallography” initiative
    5) Interactions and networking with GIG1 and GIG2
    6) Other matters

    You are very welcome to join the meeting!