
  • sig02webmaster posted an update in the group Group logo of SIG-02 Quantum CrystallographySIG-02 Quantum Crystallography 5 years, 5 months ago

    On behalf of Anna Krawczuk and Christian Jelsch, we forward the announcement about their Special Issue “Charge density studies towards structure-property correlation” in the “Journal of Molecular Structure” (see more details below)

    Dear all,

    This is a kind reminder on the possibility to contribute in the Special Issue entitled: “Charge density studies towards structure-property correlation.” in Journal of Molecular Structure (ISSN:0022-2860, IF = 2.011)
    As a Guest Editor, I cordially invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration and possible publication in this Special Issue.

    The submission process is already opened and will last until the 31st of October 2019 (expected publication date of the Issue: January 2020).

    If you would like to contribute, please upload the file in EVISE,
    located at
    When uploading a manuscript, please select “VSI: Structure-property
    study” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission

    Manuscripts will be subjected to the usual peer-review process and
    shall be prepared following the general rules of submission of the
    Journal of Molecular Structure.

    If you believe that anyone of your colleagues could be interested, please pass this invitation on to them.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    With kind regards,

    Anna Krawczuk, Guest Editor
    Christian Jelsch, Editor

    dr Anna Krawczuk
    Crystal Engineering and Structure Analysis Group
    Department of Crystal Chemistry and Crystal Physics
    Faculty of Chemistry
    Jagiellonian University
    Gronostajowa 2
    30-387 Krakow, Poland
    phone: +48 12 686 24 72

    “Have no fear of perfection; you’ll never reach it”
    Marie Sklodowska-Curie