
  • guerri posted an update in the group Group logo of GIG-03 Education in CrystallographyGIG-03 Education in Crystallography 8 years, 2 months ago

    Dear all,

    I would like to post this letter in the forum of GIG3 for your advise. It regards the MS32 of the IUCr Meeting in Hyderabad next August. Juan Manuel Garcia Ruiz and I are the Chairs of this MS and would like to have some hint from you about teaching around the world. The letter was also sent to some other collegues.
    Thank you in advance for your help
    Best regards,

    Dear colleagues and friends

    We have been asked to service our crystallographer community by chairing a Microsymposium on “Crystallography around the world” at the 24th Congress of the IUCr in 2017 at Hyderabad. The aim of this MS is double. Firstly, we wish to spread those ideas and experiences that will help other colleagues in their current teaching activities, by selecting oral presentations from the abstracts submitted. Secondly, we would like to generate a discussion about what crystallographers are teaching around the world and how to make it more efficient and more visible.
    We realize that this is not a subject that will strongly influence our personal impact index, but you know very well that this is an extremely important issue for all of us. For those who teach regularly, from the School to the University level, and for the visibility and the future of Crystallography. So please, consider contributing and/or persuading your friends and colleagues that you believe have something important to add to this MS. Abstracts are welcome on the following items:

    1) Master Courses on Crystallography and related items around the world.
    2) Crystallography at PhD programs.
    3) Outstanding courses on Crystallography at University level, because they use:
    3a) New and effective ways of teaching the practice of Crystallography.
    3b) Virtual courses for teaching Crystallography, especially practical Crystallography.
    4) Novel approaches to teaching Crystallography in different curricula:
    4a) Crystallography in Physics.
    4b) Crystallography in Chemistry and Pharmacy.
    4c) Crystallography in Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
    4d) Crystallography in Materials Science.
    4e) Crystallography in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
    5) New proposals for teaching Crystallography at the School (at any age level)
    6) New materials for teaching: websites, videos, pictures, animations, software, etc…
    The chairs of the MS-032
    Annalisa Guerri & Juan Manuel García-Ruiz