Any company, corporation or other organisation with a scientific interest related to crystallography may become an Affiliate Member. In addition to showing the commitment or the company or organisation with crystallography, Affiliate membership offers the following benefits:
- The logotype of CAM members are shown with links to their web page in the right bar of this site and on ECA circulars or folders which are printed on behalf of the Executive Committee.
- Each Affiliate Member can appoint up to four of its employees as ECA Individual Members.
- The Affiliate Members are represented in the Council through an elected representative.
- ECM organisers are requested to to discuss technical details regarding commercial exhibitions at ECM’s, in an early stage with the Affiliate Members. As the organisation if the ECM’s is independent of the ECA this cannot be guaranteed.
- The annual fee for Affiliate Members is 250 Euro (1 January – 31 December). Affiliate Members will be notified of any change in this amount, approved by the ECA council, at least three months before this change will become effective. The annual fee has to be paid before April 1st of the corresponding year.
- The application for Affiliate Membership will be considered by the Executive Committee, and put forward for approval to the Council.
- The present agreement can be cancelled at any time by the ECA Council or by the Affiliate Member; if the agreement is cancelled before the first of August, half the annual fee paid by the (ex)Affiliate Member will be refunded.
If you want to make your company or organisation a Corporate Member of the ECA, please contact the ECA treasurer.