SIG-01 Inauguration Document

Special Interest Group
on Macromolecular Crystallography
of the European Crystallographic Association

– Maria Armenia Carrondo
– Keith Wilson

more than 20 of the Founding Members, which are Individual Member of the ECA.

Statutes (Rules)

 1. Title
A Special Interest Group within the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) is entitled  “Macromolecular Crystallography Special  Interest Group”, MCSIG.

2.  Objectives
The principal objectives of MCSIG are to support advances in macromolecular crystallographic research by   both theoretical and experimental methods and their applications, and to represent and bring together researchers interested in  these areas.

3. Relations with ECA
This MCSIG is integrated in the ECA and will conform with the ECA Statutes. The macromolecular community  recognises the common  interests of all crystallographers and the benefits of maintaining close involvement with the other members of the ECA through their annual  meetings.

4. Membership
All European (using the understanding of European as provided in the ECA Statutes) macromolecular crystallographers are encouraged to join the MCSIG. They must first register as ECA members in one of the allowed categories and only  afterwards contact the MCSIG secretary.

5. Funding
The MCSIG is not entitled by the ECA by-laws to any funds from ECA. The MCSIG may, however, raise funds from such external sources as the EU, national funding bodies, charities or companies, especially for ECM Satellite meetings and other  macromolecular activities at the  ECM.

6. Organisation
The activities of MCSIG will be organised by its Executive Committee, consisting of five members:  chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and two ordinary members. The election procedure for the Executive Committee and the maximum period for  its membership, will be  established during the start-up period of MCSIG, which will cover three years. During this start-up period the  Executive Committee will consist of K.S. Wilson, chair, a vice-chair to be elected by the Founding members and M.A. Carrondo,  secretary.

7. Role of the Executive Committee
The MCSIG on macromolecular crystallography directed by its Executive
Committee should organise inter alia:

  • Microsymposia and plenary talks at the ECM.
  • Additional meetings, seminars, workshops and schools, especially Satellite Meetings of the ECM.
  • Cooperation with the IUCr Commission for Macromolecular Crystallography in the organisation of coresponding microsymposia at   IUCr Congresses. This will need further discussion with the IUCr and it will be the task of the first chairman to establish such a cooperation.
  • Promotion of other activities that may favour the interests and development of research in  macromolecular crystallography.


Blundell, Tom , U.K.
Bolognesi, Martino, Italy
Branden, Carl, Sweden
Carrondo, Maria A., Portugal
Coll, Miquel, Spain
Cusack, Stephen, France
Dijkstra, Bauke, The Netherlands
Dodson, Eleanor, U.K.
Drenth, Jan, The Netherlands
Evans, Phil, U.K.
Fourme, Roger, France
Giacovazzo, Carmelo, Italy
Heinmann, Udo, Germany
Jaskolski, Mariusz, Poland
Kokkinidis, Michael, Greece
Kratky, Christoph , Austria
Kroon, Jan, The Netherlands
Lamzin, Victor, Germany
Liljas, Anders, Sweden
Lindley, Peter, France
Lunin, Vladimir, Russia
Melik-Adamyan, William, Russia
Nyborg, Jens, Denmark
Podjarny, Alberto, France
Schulz, George, Germany
Sevcik, Josef, Slovak Republic
Sheldrick, George, Germany
Sussman, Joel, Israel
Thierry, Jean Claude, France
Turk, Dusan, Slovenia
Wilson, Keith, U.K.
Wodak, Shoshana, Belgium