SIG-12 Inauguration Document

SIG #12

Special Interest Group
on Crystallographic of Functional Materials
of the European Crystallographic Association


Dr. Pamela Thomas (ku.ca1721108337.kciw1721108337raw@s1721108337amoht1721108337.a.p1721108337 )
Dr. Pierre Bordet (rf.sr1721108337nc.el1721108337boner1721108337g@ted1721108337rob.e1721108337rreip1721108337 )


Prof. C.C.Wilson (
Prof. J.Boeyens (az.ca1721108337.pu.o1721108337nitso1721108337p@sne1721108337yeobj1721108337 )
Prof. D.Viterbo (ti.nm1721108337pinu@1721108337obret1721108337iv1721108337)
Dr. J-L. Hodeau (rf.sr1721108337nc.el1721108337boner1721108337g@uae1721108337doh1721108337 )

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Materials Science SIG (renamed “Crystallographic of Functional Materials” in August 2008) is to provide a forum in the European Crystallographic Association for the branch of crystallography in which the key aim of the study is to learn something about a material, rather than specifically to develop a technique or extend crystallographic theory. Whilst it is recognized that crystallographic studies of materials often necessarily such developments in order to complete the investigation, the Materials Science SIG will exist primarily to serve crystallography in which gaining insight about materials is the principal objective. The SIG will provide a home within the ECA for the wide range of crystallographers who have materials as their focus and who employ common crystallographic techniques to address problems across the spectrum from magnetism to pharmaceuticals. The SIG will aim to unite crystallographers in these apparently diverse fields and to promote communication, exchange and cross-fertilization of ideas. The SiG will maintain an active role in producing a coherent materials-led strand to the programme for future ECMs and will liaise with technique and theory-driven SIGS to develop collaborative programmes.

Suggested Themes for SIG
Amorphous and non-crystalline materials
– Defects and Domains
– Disordered Materials
– Ferroelectrics (relaxors, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics)
– Ferroelastics
– Ionic Conductors
– Liquid Crystals
– Magnetic Materials
– Nanomaterials
– Negative Thermal Expansion Materials
– Optical and Nonlinear Optical Materials
– Perovskite Materials
– Pharmaceutical Materials
– Photoconducting and Photoreactive Materials
– Semiconductors
– Sensors and Actuators
– Structural Materials
– Superconducting Materials
– Thin Films

Founder Members
Mike Glazer, UK ku.ca1721108337.drof1721108337xo.sc1721108337isyhp1721108337@reza1721108337lg1721108337
Ulrich Bismayer, Germany ed.gr1721108337ubmah1721108337-inu.1721108337eigol1721108337areni1721108337m@sib1721108337u1721108337
Hatmut Fuess, Germany ed.td1721108337atsmr1721108337ad-ut1721108337@sseu1721108337fh1721108337
Jens Kreisel , France rf.gp1721108337ni@le1721108337sierk1721108337.snej1721108337
Kosmos Prassides , UK ku.ca1721108337.xess1721108337us@se1721108337dissa1721108337rp.k1721108337
Calestani, Italy ti.rp1721108337inu.e1721108337cc.vi1721108337nurpi1721108337@gtse1721108337lac1721108337
Theo Siegriest, Sweden, es.ht1721108337l.ime1721108337klair1721108337etam@1721108337tsirg1721108337eis.o1721108337eht1721108337
Claude Lecomte, France rf.yc1721108337nan-p1721108337hu.b31721108337mcl@e1721108337tmoce1721108337l1721108337
Eugene Antipov, Russia ur.us1721108337m.meh1721108337c.rci1721108337@vopi1721108337tna1721108337
Gustav van Tendeloo, Belgium
Carles Miravitlles, Spain, se.ba1721108337mci@s1721108337eltiv1721108337arim1721108337