International Conference HeCrA-HSCBB16

Agricultural University of Athens Athens, Greece

The 8th International Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association (HeCrA) and the 11th Conference of the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (HSCBB) are jointly organized as HeCrA-HSCBB16. HeCrA-HSCBB16 will take place at the Agricultural University of Athens in October 7-9, 2016 The conference will address key questions and issues in molecular structure and […]


Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel 810-8650, FUKUOKA-SHI, 2-2-3 JIGYOHAMA, CHUO-KU, JAPAN, Fukuoka, Japan

BIT’s 5th Annual Conference of AnalytiX 2017 (AnalytiX-2017) will be held on March 22-24, 2017 in Fukuoka, Japan. AnalytiX-2017 is an international event focusing on the core knowledge and major advances in the ever-expanding field of Analytical Sciences and Technologies by attracting experts on a global scale.AnalytiX-2017 provides a unique opportunity for leading experts and […]

Workshop on Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography

Valamar Diamant Hotel Brulo 1/1, 52440, Poreč, Croatia

We are now a bit more than a century away from the first structural studies based on the diffraction of X-rays on crystals, but over this relatively short period of time, the level of complexity that we are capable of examining has multiplied literally by millions. In particular, over the last decade or so, we […]

6th ALMA Conference

Augustinian Monastery Mendel Square, Brno, Czech Republic

Every two years ALMA conference is organized as an open forum for wide interdisciplinary discussions concerning research, protection and restoration of artworks among Czech experts and students from the fields of natural sciences, history of art and restoration of artworks. Conferences are organized by the ALMA Laboratory – a joint workplace of Academy of Fine […]

Zurich School of Crystallography 2017

Application deadline 16th January, 2017 Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zurich, Switzerland

The School teaches small-molecule single-crystal X-ray structure determination. The School will consist of lectures, computer exercises and practical work. Participants can even bring their own crystal and determine its structure! The school is ideal for young researchers in the molecular and solid state sciences for whom a knowledge of crystal structure analysis would be particularly […]

EMU School “Mineral fibres: crystal chemistry, chemical-physical properties, biological interaction and toxicity”

Modena, Italy

Registrations to the EMU school 2017 are now open! Please spread the news! The 2017 EMU (European Mineralogical Union) school on "Mineral fibres: crystal chemistry, chemical-physical properties, biological interaction and toxicity" will be held in Modena (Italy) on June 19-23, 2017. The related EMU Notes Volume will be also released during the school. The school […]

National Meeting Announcement: Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography

Faculty of Science, University of Geneva 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, Room A150, Geneva, Switzerland

Annual Meeting and General Assembly of the Swiss Society for Crystallography  Novel experimental and analytical methods  In-situ and in-operando crystallography  Charge density and bonding analysis  Molecular crystals  Aperiodic crystals  Low dimensional materials  Disorder and diffuse scattering  Design and synthesis of novel materials  Strongly correlated electron systems

ICG – Italian Crystal Growth

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Piazza della Scienza, 4, Milan, Italy

For some years now, this Conference has been representing a key landmark of outstanding scientific quality for the community of Italian crystal growers and, in general, for scientists involved in the development of novel crystalline materials with advanced functionalities. The latest ICG edition in 2013 took place in Parma (Italy) and was attended by more […]

Twenty-sixth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting (CSCM26)

Hotel Valamar Diamant Brulo 1, Poreč, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

The Twenty-sixth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting (CSCM26) will be held in the Hotel Valamar Diamant, in Adriatic city Poreč, Croatia, located in the western coast of Istrian Peninsula, from June 13th to 17th, 2018. The Meeting is organized by the Croatian Crystallographic Association and Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana. All the necessary […]

Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 3

BlueSun Elaphusa Hotel Put Zlatnog rata 46, Bol, island of Brač, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Croatian Association of Crystallographers is proud to announce the third edition of its advanced crystallography workshop “Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography – HTCC”. The meeting aims to attract motivated researchers by in-depth tackling the fascinating developments and achievements of the experimental methods and theoretical approaches expanding over the last decade that put forward crystallography at […]

Crystallographic Information Fiesta

napoli , Italy

Registrations are open for the AIC International Crystallography School 2019, entitled "Crystallographic Information Fiesta", which will be held in Naples, Italy, on 29 August to 3 September as a satellite event of MISCA 2019 (Meeting of the Italian and Spanish Crystallographic Associations). The School is organized by the Commission on Crystallographic Teaching of the […]


International school on aperiodic crystals

Portbail , France

The Com­mis­sion on Ape­ri­od­ic Crys­tals  of the In­ter­na­tion­al Union of Crys­tal­log­ra­phy (IU­Cr)  organises the 4th edition of the school "International school on aperiodic Crystals" (ISAC4). This school will take place in Portbail (Normandy) from September 8 to 14 2019. The tar­get­ed  au­di­ence is clear­ly a non-spe­cial­ist one: Phd stu­dents, young or ex­pe­ri­enced sci­en­tists work­ing  in […]